Patent - Fixation system between a medical device and at least one portion of a bone

Published in , 2019

Recommended citation: Goyallon, Thibault'

The invention relates to a fixation system between a medical device and at least one portion of a bone, characterised in that it comprises an elongate portion intended to be inserted into the bone, in particular into the medullary cavity and/or into the proximal or distal ends, the elongate portion having a wall consisting of meshes through which at least one fixing member can pass, according to a position and orientation that are not predefined, and which apply, by elastic, plastic or elastic-plastic deformation, a transverse and/or axial pressure force onto the fixing member, the fixing member being intended to also pass through the portion of the bone in order to ensure rigid fixation between the bone and the medical device.


Keywords : Shoulder, Humerus, Fracture, Implant, Additive manufacturing, Clothilde